Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Celebrity Endorsements of Presidential Candidates: Getting the Younger Generation Involved

Red Carpet names such as Josh Hutcherson and Katy Perry are having just as much influence over the outcome of the 2016 presidential election as the candidates are.  Celebrity endorsements of candidates is nothing new to the scene of the presidential elections, but it's having a greater impact this year than ever before.  Celebrities with more pull on the more placid minds of the younger generation, those getting ready to cast their first ever ballot, are getting more involved.  
Last October Katy Perry held a short concert at one of Hillary Clinton's rallies, following it up by telling all of her fans who "are going to be 18 next year, before November" that they have the power to make change happen this year.  She ends her little speech about how important it is to vote with "Let's go Hillary!"  Surely, fans of Katy Perry are apt to listen to what she has to say.  And of those fans, those who are going to be of age to vote in November, most likely payed especially close attention.  If they hadn't decided who they want to vote for yet, which most probably hadn't, having one of their favorite singers and idols tell them who they will be voting for, could have swayed their vote without them even realizing it.  
Embedded image permalinkTo the same effect, Josh Hutcherson has been showing his support for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders on social media.  Hutcherson's twitter is full of tweets accompanied by #CaucusForBernie, #Bernie2016, and #FeeltheBern, along with pictures and videos showing his support and encouragement for the young people of Iowa to participate in the Iowa Causus to "prove these people wrong [that are] saying [they] won't show up."  Again, a young, adolescent mind who hasn't decided who they want to vote for may be easily swayed to stand with their beloved Hunger Games actor.  Especially when he implies that it is the only way to "give the youth a good name!"  
Nevertheless, while Perry and Hutcherson support opposing candidates, they both bring up a very important issue that faces the United States today; getting young people involved in the presidential elections.  As Perry says, young people "have the power...[they] have so much power."  This couldn't be more true.  We are the next generation of voters; the next generation of Americans whose votes and involvement will decide the fate of our country.  Why wait 10 or 20 years to use that power?  We can make a difference right now.

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