Monday, April 25, 2016

Once Upon a Time Producers Want Homosexual Relationship to Be Seen as Normal

Once Upon a Time showed their support for the LGBT community in last Sunday's episode, "Ruby Slippers," with the blossoming of a romantic relationship between Ruby [Meghan Ory] and Dorothy [Teri Reeves].  After Dorothy blames Ruby for losing Toto to Zelena the two bond over shared family problems of always feeling like the outcast; Ruby being run out of her village and never finding her pack and Dorothy's family trying to commit her to a mental hospital when she returned from Oz the first time.  In order to keep Ruby safe, Dorothy faces Zelena alone only to be put under a sleeping curse which Ruby was eventually able to break with True Love's kiss.

Executive producers Adm Horowitz and Edward Kitsis tell The Hollywood Reporter, "True Love's kiss has been a staple of this show since the beginning.  This past Sunday's episode was just another example of how in a fairy tale, as in life, love is love."  But they didn't want this episode to be "the very special episode of Once," Kitsis tells Entertainment Weekly.  They wanted to show that the love between Ruby and Dorothy is no different than the love they have already portrayed between Snow and Charming or Hook and Emma.

This is the reason this episode didn't get a lot of press exposure beforehand to publicize the gay relationship.  Horowitz tells EW that they didn't want the LGBT relationship to "seem marginalized as opposed to normalized."

Kitsis tells THR, "For us, it's a love story like any other and it's something we're excited about."  Continuing with the lesson-learning theme of the show it seems that this episode's came out to be love is love.  A mantra the executive producers thought was important to portray as an example that a gay relationship is no less normal and has no less love than any of the classic fairy tale relationships we have been raised to aspire to.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8pm on ABC.

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